Saturday, February 16, 2008

The kids got a Knack

These are the beautiful pictures that my wonderful son Aidan is doing now a days.
Once he starts there is no stopping him. I have never been more proud of him, I have these things all over my house.
He's not much of a colorer, but give the kid a pen and some plain paer he starts to get to work, next are all 3 of our dogs, the cat and the house, he tell ne he can't do that right now because when he draws to much he gets a stomach ache, funny he uses the same excue for when he needs to clean his room,"The Kids got a Knack" about ways on how to get out of things!!

Friday, February 15, 2008


In about 2 wks, we are going to DinseyLand the whole family(My Husband, Me our 2boys, my sister and me neice,) We are beyond excited 5 whole days !!!!!!!!
What cal really get better then DisneyLand?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Christ and Camp both start with "C"

This Past weekend was by the farthest thign that I have enjoyed doing in a long time... And I must add we had NO children with us, it was nothing but William Myself and Briana, huh..... it was wonderful!
We went to the Jeremy Camp concert, we screamed, we danced, we sang, and best of all we worshiped jesus, nothing and I repeart nothing gets better then going to a concert, seeing your favorite christain singer of all time and then getting to praise and worship our Lord together!!
A very special Thanks needs to go out to my friend Carrie for at the last minute taking the load off of my to stay the night with my kids when my other babysitter bailed out on me and William.

Thanks to Jeremy for giving such an awesome concert and Thanks to William for everything.....
I loved it all!!!!!!!