Sunday, August 31, 2008


Let everything that hath breath, Praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. -Psalms 150:6
If you are breathing that you ought to be Praising the Lord. It's that simple. God has given us so much to be thankful for. Everyday He loads us with his benefits. They are listed specifically in Psalms 103:1-7:
1. He forgives all our sin's.
2. He heals you.
3. He ransoms you from hell.
4. He surrounds you with loving kindness and tender mercies.
5. He fills your life with good things,so your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
6. He gives justice to all who are treated fairly.
7. He reveals His will and nature to you.
8. He is merciful and tender towards you.
9. He is slow to get angry and full of kindness and love.
10. He has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west.
11. He is like a tender and sympathetic father to those who reverence him.
12. His loving kindness is from everlasting to everlasting.
If you are not used to praising God, just try it this week. I believe you'll have a better week than you have had in a long time. Nothing brings me more joy then to watch my 5 & 3 years old, praise God. Aidan my oldest at every meal no matter where we are blesses the food, anyone of us are sick he will lay hands on us and pray over us. I am proud and satisfied that my boys are Praising God.
O God, I Praise You! I will remember all the benefits that You daily unload in my life. Thank You for being a tender and sympathetic Father.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


....So He spoke to the storm: "Quiet down," he said, and the winds and the waves subsided and all was calm! -Luke 8:24
This story of the disciples who were in the boar with Jesus when the storm camp up never fails to remind me of God's ability to settle all the storms of our lives.
Many of us as Christian's have faced some find of storm one way or another, even though our flesh wants to tell us, that Jesus will not get us out of it, he will. Many times in my Christian walk I have felt that there is no way Jesus is going to do it in time, meaning my time of course...but low and behold he did come through bigger and better then I would have ever imagined him to come through for me.
I have a younger sister Briana who had been mentioned on my blog before you is 22 and a single mother of 1 raising her on her own.....everyday she goes through a storm.....and everyday God seems to always come through for her. She has a unique and wonderful bond with our Lord, she has grown really into such a beautiful woman day by me I know when I say this out of experience before we were all saved, we created our own storms, and would plug our ears to anything about God, now all of us know that Our God, will save us, he will pull us out of the deep sea of despair, and hold, love and comfort us.....when we were in the world , the world would just crush you, throw you, and kill you.
What a wonderful Savior we have to come rescue us from the storms.
Jesus I face Stormy seas of problem from time to time, and I grow desperate for your help. Climb into my boat during those times, Lord, and calm the storm raging around me that I might have Your peace.

Friday, August 29, 2008


The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusted in him, and I am helped, therefore my heart greatly rejoice; and with my song will I praise him- Psalms 28:7
We serve a God who is loving,kind, and always interested in His children and their needs. My heart truly trusts in God, and my heart rejoices because my trust is in Him. With all the things that come against us in today's world, if I didn't trust in my God as my strength and shield my heart could not rejoice.
But I have hope. You and I as children of the most Holy God, have hope that if we have given our heart to Jesus, we can fully trust Him and He will help us and take care of us. We don't have to be troubled in our hearts, but we will sing to Him with songs of Praise.
Father, I thank You for being my strength and my shield, I praise Your love for me makes it easy to trust and rejoice in you.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


The Lord is Good. When Trouble come's he is the place to go! And he know's everyone who trust's in him. -Nahum 1:7 Starting today, and hopefully everyday, I am going to start my devotionals that I do in the morning, on here, the Lord has been telling me to do this for a while, kind of shrugged it off until now, I want to be able to reach whoever I can believer;s and nonbeliever's to just be able to be spiritually feed in the morning, noon, or night! Because Trust me once you have a dose of the word of feel so one with God our Savior!

God is good all the time, but when trouble comes, I don't know what I would do without him,(and truth be told I don't want to even want to begin to think that there is really any other way). Do you run to God in time's of trouble, or do you try to figure out what to do,(and let's be honest God's way is always going to be better then our way) fretting worrying over things that you can usually do nothing about?

I like knowing that God knows everyone who trust's him. I was a chronic backslider for a while in the past always thinking that I can handle myself and my situation's....God was gracious enough to SHOW and remind me that I can't handle it in any way, shape or form...I had to trust him, and know that HE is God!!
When my Husband and I decided to rededicate our lives and marriage together I was "iffy" that would mean I had to give everything to God and I was no longer in control. Even now writing this God reminds me of our our life was when I was in control...and how awful it was when HE wasn't! We have been living for God fully more and more each day, with NO regrets, the Bible says "To cast all our Care's on him" And that's what we did as Husband and Wife we gave God our Sin's to throw into the Sea of forgetfulness and we also gave him our hearts' to form and mold then in his being! And since that day of July of 2006 He has never let me down!
Today I encourage you to open the room's of your heart and mind to our good God. Let Him take over every area of your life!

In good times and bad, O Lord you are my shelter. I Thank You because You know me and You are good. I'm glad that in times of trouble, I can run to You with full confidence that you will help me. I can always trust in you.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


WHAT MORE CAN I SAY...........

Sunday, August 24, 2008



Thursday, August 21, 2008


Proof that God does answer prayer's!!!!!

Happy Folding!!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Hello all out there in blog land!!
I am still here ....doing stuff and stuff and getting more excited because we will soon be going to California!
The reason for my absence is because the amazing woman Sunny me has been having this amazing Bible Study, on how to be a Biblical submissive woman.....her blog is like a good book I just can't put down!

Aidan has been busy with school and learning how to write in cursive.....Gabriel is well.... Gabriel and is our wild child!!

I should be posting in a few day's like I said I am a little busy, but still here!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Today's Saturday, was a fun niece (in the pick shirt above) had her first pom pom thing today and it was cute and fun to watch!

after all the glitz and glamor was over we decide we were starving, I mean after all we were there for like 3 hours just sitting there watching them practice who wouldn't get hungry right?

After out quick trip to Wally mart, we headed over to our favorite place El Charo!!

I really am trying to get to the point of the story but i have to say the lunch was so yummy!!!

O k the story...we all have those kind of kids who have there ungrateful moments...some small ones other's not to small...with out going into detail and embarrassing my niece had her "moment" with a little both my sister and I getting after her for sister very calmly through clutch teeth was going to say something...I thought to myself it was the whole "There are kid's in world"speech, but no she threw a curve ball and gave this speech , that I have to add, made me feel so proud of her from deep with in my boos em!!

Briana(by the way who is the knock out in the above picture)"You know Christina you have everything that you need to eat there is no reason for you to cry.....You have a mother not just any mother but a Christian mother, who goes to the end of the world and back for you.....there is no need to be sitting there acting like you are going to starve when you have a perfectly good lunch right in front of you."

Christina: "Well that's not what I wanted" boo ho boo ho

Briana: Well then you can either sit there and cry and be ungrateful, or you can sit there and eat your food and be happy for everything else you have."

After a little bit ignoring her, and getting into our own food I happen to look over at Nina and there she was eating....I don't really think that my sister could have handled that better, but she is so true...there are time's that the devil will use those moments for our flesh to take over and humiliate ourselves and our love one's..she she kept her cool, though I know my sister and that look she gets in her eye's!

But you know brother's and sister's in Christ we need to teach our children the value of how to be Thank full for really what they have.....To Christina the biggest thing was not getting what she wanted to eat.......For me as an outsider looking in.....she needs to be grate full for what she does have, my sister is a single mother, and I can't begin to imagine what it is like. But she carries herself as a Christian woman who is so in love with God.

There are parents out there who every weekend leave their kids with other people so they can enjoy going to the bars or the scene of the world. My sister is only 22 and yes she could do that......but NOPE she doesn't other then work she never goes anywhere without her daughter.

See folk's kids now a day's think that we are being mean to them NO that is not the case sometimes they just needs a simple reminder That we love them.....Just like at time's we needs a reminder that no matter who we are or what we have done God will always love us!

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Savior My God

A Nice Sunday Song to worshp the Lord to!!
And yes My Savior Does Live!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


A week has officially pasted and we have got into the hang of things here in the Salas house.
Every morning Monday through Thursday, starts off with routine after routine, right when Aidan goes into his classroom the first thing Gabriel says "I miss Aiday" and that continues until about 10 minutes before we go and pick him up!
What happens once they are in the van together? Total war.....and it doesn't stop until we go to bed!!
AHHHH....the joy's of parenthood!
I have also noticed, that my blog has been neglected for some time...I must apologize for my absence but ever since Aidan has been in school, I don't have to for the big T.V. anymore so I find myself, watching some good family shows!!

I have to admit(only between you and me) I love that Aidan goes to school!!!
SSHHH but don't say you heard it from me though!!!

I feel like I must take a nap now, all these getting up at the break of dawn in the morning it's starting to take a toll on me........I am not as young as I used to be!!!!!!

But since Friday's are off day's I should be getting around to blogging some more tomarrow!

God Bless You one and all

Friday, August 8, 2008


I have a new love of Friday's...because Aidan only goes to school Monday through Thursday!!
I have a little blessing that happened, so I would like to share it!
A few month's earlier Aidan had a "interview" with the school that is literally right around the corner, about 3 min or less to get there...a charter school, I always wanted him to go there!
I prayed and fasted for a week, if it was God's will for Aidan to go there everything will fall into place, a week later he got the letter saying Aidan's grade was full but if they had a opening, they would let us know.. I thought"Yeah right, everyone wants to get into that school"
So I took it as it not being the will of God and went ahead and started the enrollment process and did the whole public school thing. Everything went good. Up until Monday August 5 Aidan was scheduled to go the Ruth Powell, Tuesday he would meet his teacher and the rest would be history. Not the case, My husband answer's the phone not saying much, me thinking it was my sister.......come to find out they had an opening for Aidan....... I freaked, I panicked...........what did I do? I called my sister.....hysterical probably, I was to excited to remember..she told me to pray about it first...not what I wanted to hear but she was right!!!!
Turned the spaghetti off and did just that....."Lord I need direction, and peace about this"
I paced back and forth and prayed and prayed and prayed some more!!!
Well to make a long story short......Aidan is right around the corner and loving school!
Just like William said "God answered your Prayer he just made you sweat for a while"
So true God will give us his answer when he is ready, not when I want it!
Isn't God good?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Up One hour before he is subpost to be........eager to start is day!!!
A Healthy heart breakfast, to start to the day off on the right start!
Aidan looking o so handsome in his school clothes!!!!!

Then to end.....his orange pig, at his desk, him reasssuring me that i can go he will be fine!!
yes my son i know you will be fine.....but i am not to sure how i am going to be!

Monday, August 4, 2008


As of today I will be on a mini vacation for the fact that my oldest son will be starting school in two days and I want to spend some time with him until then!!!!!

will be back by thursday!!!!!


Saturday, August 2, 2008


My oldest son has a mild well....OK not mild just a plain obsession with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I am not really sure when the crazy hit, .....but when it did hit it hit hard a permanent, everyday I am reminded by him which turtles he has and which one's he doesn't have, I even went to eBay got him a whole loot of turtles and it seems that he wants more!

this shirt in comparison is no different, I lost count on how many times I had to wash it during the week so he could wear it pretty much every day!

It was sub post to be a new shirt for school, but he just couldn't wait that long!

4 more days until, the retched day comes where he will have to go to school!!!!

But in better new.....1 month to the day until he got to CALIFORNIA!!!

Lord I pray right now that there will be NO earthquakes will we are there

Friday, August 1, 2008


I couldn't resist, when I saw Gabriel in the laundry room and what he was doing I told him to sit still, and let me go get the camera, but that was over i noticed whathe was doing in the picture!
Here my cute one is with our puppy Delilah, he loves animanls but they don't really feel the same about him!
But either way he is still and forever will alway's by my Gabaroni!!