Saturday, March 22, 2008

The True meaning of Easter

I don't know how blunt I can get, I don't see how people can be so naive, to think the Easter has to do with a Rabbit. The Easter Bunny in my house doesn't even exist. It's all about Jesus in my house, some might think that it is boring, and what kind of parents are we to not let my children know about the Easter bunny, and the only reason why eggs are dyed at my house is for the fun of making the egg turn different collors, and that's it, that is as far as we go. Well that's why they are my children not yours is my response.
We are not Catholic, but I am very happy that this Sunday Aidan will be taking his first communion, so he can understand the meaning behind it, that the bread represents Jesus' body and the wine (grape juice) represents his blood that was shed for us.
While some people think that on Easter some bunny was hopping around, what really happened is that over 2000 years ago my Savior was being beaten, ridiculed, and through all that he was hung of a cross, formy sin's for your sin's for the world's sin's, you tell me how do you get a bunny story out of a man who had nails going through his wrists and feet for you and I.

I look at this picture and it gives me tears of joy.

**** I Thank you Lord for dieing on the Cross for me when you did not have to, I Thank you for Shedding your blood for me at the Cross to cover all my sin's, I could never prepay you my Father, But Thank you for the Life that you have given me.

*You paid a debt you did not owe I owe a debt I could not pay I needed someone to wash my sins away and now I sing a brand new song " Amazing Grace"*

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