Saturday, October 24, 2009

I have some catching up to do!

Good day Friends,

Well looky there I have some catching up to do here don't I? It seem's I have been absent for quite some time has been a crazy house for the past few days, we have some sickypoo kiddos on our hands, so our nurse abilities have been put in to overdrive.

Let's see where do I begin? Oh yes the exciting part is that my wonderful sister and niece have moved in for a while, she thinks its a short move but I would like it to be long, but it seem's there is no convincing her, and the boys love that she is here, as do's nice to have some female here along with me.

It seem's we are on the battle field with a few things, and at times like these it can be hard to stay on track and trust God,what can I say I don't handle stress very well.

Well looky there it's Saturday and the time is 7:41 and I have been up already an hour little Aidan isn't feeling so great today, so I must tend to my child and return very soon...because deep down this whole time that I didnt blog, I missed it.

See you next time.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dear Marisa,
    I know; I do enjoy posting and getting comments and coming here to read your posts and see how you are doing. I hope you all are better soon. How wonderful for you to have your sister!
