Friday, July 24, 2009

I want to Thank.............

My Dear Sweet Friend Hope granted me this waonderful award........Who knew I was creative.....

I think I am subpost to post 7 random things about myself if I read correctly, so here goes........

1. I love to get up super early and prance arond the house alone....
2. Cleaning is my therepy.........I mean hard core don't miss a spot cleaning.
3. I am 27 years old and never had a cavitiy.knock on wood.
4. In my whole entire family I am the ONLY one with green eyes.
5. My birthday just happens to land on the birthday of Elvis dads a fan!
6. I like Peanut Butter with Vanilla ice cream.
7. I desperetly have a secret (no so much now) to one day have a rood trip on a motorcycle.

nothing amuzing and great.........but hey!!!!!

So now I tag Briana my sister!


  1. Darling Marisa,

    How neat…you posted!

    I too love to get up early and be all along.

    No CAVITIES…that’s stupendous!

    A road trip on a motorcycle sounds terribly exciting! Does your husband drive a motorcycle?


  2. I came over from Hope's blog to check on your blog. You both like the fifties. You are so young. That seems funny, but you're right that it seemed like a more carefree time.

    I was born in the late 50's and my childhood was less complicated than my kids' lives are. I felt safe. I won't even let my kids play in the front yard. Times have changed, but there are still wonderful people out there.

    Have a great weekend and I'll be back.
    Nannette from Life: be in it.
