Saturday, July 4, 2009

Well of Course............Happy 4th

Well to start off with ........Happy 4th of July little Darling's. I have been a busy mama this morning once I got my tired self up did the devotionals and bible reading it was time to hit the kitchen. I wanted everything to be prepped and half way done do my the time its cookout time I wasn't rushing. I had a red, white, and blue cake to make (pictures tomarrow) potatoe salad to prepare, hamburger patties to form and a grill that needed some fearce cleaning because while the Hubby is at work I am in charge of the grill this evening *Please God help me* :} My area is the kitchen not the grill.
After all the eating is done with and dishes are nicly in the dishwasher, the family will be off to see the fireworks, enjoying the red and blue cotten candy my sister and i purchased about a week before hand.
Pictures will be posted Monday have a wonderful day to all you wonderful people.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Marisa,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog to say “Hello”! I was SO delighted and encouraged to see you there.

    I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July…good luck with the grill!

    I am looking forward to the photos.

