Monday, September 14, 2009

The Apron that I have wanted for OOO so long

I dont beg nor do I plead...but just one thing that I have been wanting for such a long time is a real home made apron.
I am not lucky enough to have a sewing machine, but I want like super want one.
So after reading this if it is laid on your heart to make one for little old me....
Don't be shy, I will gladly except!


  1. Hello Marisa,

    I love aprons, too. They just somehow have a way of making me feel more motherly and more like being a really wonderful housewife. Do they make you feel like that, too?


  2. I have just the apron for you! I will send it to you. I have purchased a whole bunch of hand made aprons on

  3. Yes I am serious. If you can get 5 people to follow The Frugal Goddess.
