Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Picinic lunch

With the weather finally cooling down (lets hope it stay's that way) the Hubby and I decided to take >this little cutie for a picinic. So we packed up the picinic basket made some so yummy chicken salad, with treats to follow and off we went for a while the Gabbers had the whole park to himself.....He thought he was a King literelly!! The breeze was just right and the shade was like a little island and it was so relaxing!! Glad that we did it! We need to do it way more often then sit at home! I know I have been gone for a while, it seems that we have had a little addition to the Salas family This> here is Jack and one word for him is LOVE!! He is the most sweetest, obiediant Loveable pet I have ever had or met!

Another reason I have been absent i was busy maken some suds...this here is an example of what I did this weekend......You like?? It's a hobby and I love it..


  1. Hi Marisa,

    So the lovely heart is soap you made? Wow!

    That picnic sounds like lots of fun!

    I have been busy too…flew to Kansas City for just one night this wedding…went to a wedding…had to get home to my children again.

