Saturday, May 31, 2008


This little monkey loves to jump on mama's bed!
Up and down side to side all around the bed
You can't catch me...........even if you try REALLY hard!!!
Down he goes................

This little monkey is out..............NO more monkey jumping on the bed!!!!!
HAPPY SATURDAY TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008


This weekend, is going to be a full one over here at the Salas bunglow, the bottem of the pool needs to be cleaned( I call not it) So I guess it's my hubby doing the dirty, in his skivies....oooooo Honey don't suck up that penny we need that to play the diving game!!!!!!!
Next will be teaching this little cutie to get potty trained....if I can teach her how to listen and sit in 10 min. potty training should be a piece of cake!!!!!!! I GOT THIS!!!!!!!!!<<<< Thats for you sister!!!!!!
I am almost positive that there will be a lot of this so ................Gabriels time outs
Towards the end atleast done by tonight, I have a pile of clothes that needs to be Irioned that sames like its a mile high!!!!

And last but not least cute little Gabriel holding the puppy for about a hundred times that day and hearing throughout the house "Gabriel put the puppy downa nd let her walk"

Thursday, May 29, 2008


This is how i get away from all the noise and enjoy quit time to myself!!!!!!

I go grocery shopping at the crack of dawn!!!!

I like to think I am easy to please!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


My Dearest Grandmother,
How lucky you must be right now as you everyday get to see our Savior's beautiful face, walk the streets of Gold, and never have pain. Everytime I take the boy's over to see you I can't help but think "I wonder what my Gramma is doing right this minute in Heaven"?
Everyday after I do my devotionals I pray and everyday I make sure to Thank God for you and for the teaching's you brought me up in..with out you I would have never knew Jesus,or his teaching's.
I don't believe in talking to the dead, but I don't really see it that way in what I am doing I just feel I am talking out loud and if you here my well thats a bonus!!
I again Thank God for the way I was brought up with the morals I had and the problems i didnt have. All in All I think you and Popo brought up a pretty good kid.....IF i DO SAY SO MYSELF.
I am starting to caring on the traditions of the things we(the family) used to have, I (try) to cook as good as you and I must say I did inherite the "net freak" bug from you, but ooooo how smoothly my house(sometimes) runs!!!
I Love you Gramma, and I miss and think of you everyday, and I cant help but be jealous that you have what I want.............A annuel ticket to paradise!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


IT's not officially Summer yet, but when we have those evenings when we don't want to be indorrs, its not really HOT enough to swim, we just kind of lke to hang out in our back yardadddy reads the boys their story bible......Gaber's taking a little peek at the pictures.
The boy's listen sternly whilest playing in Gaber;s new sand box, Reall you can't tell but they are fasinated with the story that daddy is telling!

Then the end comes and the fly's startto really bug us, Gabriel is running away from us and Aidan in refusing to go inside for his evening shower when you look down and for probably the hundreth time that day you tell Gabriel " You have your shoes on the wrong feet, switch your flops"
THese are the evenings I long for

Monday, May 26, 2008


On Thursday Oreo had her 3rd litter of pups...I really need to get her fixed now! She delivered 6 of them...3 boys and 3 girls...all cute as a button.
Saturday was Gabriels 3rd Birthday, had a blast, but wasnt very fond of being the center of attention! The party was a hit!!
Aidan get's mad befcause Gabriel is not sharing his toys with him, and he just "Needs a little time with the toys" Gabriel still refuses but then 5 seconds later lets his cousin Christina play with it!!
Here is the innocent by stander just waiting for the dust to setle before she goes and get's the race car Aidan wants to badly!
And then around 830 or so (ot sure on the correct time)and I get tired of seeing all the sand at the bottem of the pool so he jump's in skivies and only a tee shirt to vacuum the dirty varmets out, the pool got to filled with water that we had to scoop some water out and our yard ended up looking like it was irrigation day.

These liddle piddys went all the way home.........after they had fun in the mud!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Every day I might add!!!
I read it as much as I read my daily devotionals

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Gabriel!!


Friday, May 23, 2008

Near the end

Guess what? Tomarrow I will be 3..........Bring it on potty training.................Bring it on!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The lil boy & his baby

This cute lil boy
likes to play with his cute lil baby......Let me just add that the baby and the little stroler are in fact his......I myself personally purchased them for him after he had such a wonderful time playing with his cousin's.

See what women( little girl) can do to men (little boy)?
They can make them change their mind in a snap...............
He doesn't want to play with any of his brother's guns, no dinosaurs, nothen, I just got to except that he likes to play a HE-MOM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

When the little monkey whines down

"Don't I look so sweet lying here asleep On my mom's couch?"

So innosent, so loving, so peaceful?


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

MY Baby's Week

For the rest of the week, it's going to be all about my little angel Gabriel. On Saturday my little on will be turning 3....Can you believe it already 3. My sister is right it feel's like it is taking forever for him to grow up and thats the way I like it for now.
I want to give GOD Thanks for trusting me with such a wonderful beautiful and FUN son, this little one is alway's keeping me in my toes, wondering what he is doing or getting into, but to be honest I wouldnt have it any other way.....

I love this little guy.......I love how when he was born our family felt complete...........I love to see him everytime his Favorite Aunt B leaves he has to pucker up and give her a kiss, he will run after tell her wait and give her a big o smacker......... I love to hear him pray for his food..... I love to hear him at night tell his big brother night night and and "i yove you too".... I love to hear him sing the spongebob theme song.......and my favorite I love the way he smells fresh out of the bath with his lavender lotion on.........this is my favorite way of making memories.


Monday, May 19, 2008


Wilist I was in my room finishing up some stuff, Aidan run's into my room very frantic, saying"Um Mama what I am going to tell you is well um there are bubles on the floor"
I thought Bubbles on the floor, O great what did Gabriel do now????

It wasnt Gabriel it was me, I yes I put dish detergent into the dishwasher??
Bubbles were every where, while I was sweeping them out the back door, Aidan the "man" that he is grabbed the mop and started to work at the other mess.
Not One Day goes by the something isnt happening.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

People Get Ready ... Jesus is Comin' - Crystal Lewis

The title really say's it all!
My Aunt Judy introduced me to this song years and years ago!!!! Still one that I never get tired of hearing.


This is the way I feel today! HOT!!!! BURNED!!!! MISERABLE!!!!! all at the cost of putting my pool up all day yesterday!
This is the color of my arms, chest, and face!!!!!
All this trouble because I didnt reapply the sunblock, I was just to impatient to do that and I wanted my pool to hurry and get filled.
After 3500 gallons later and a new RED skin to manage with the day was ended in s quick dip..
But thent he clouds cam rolling in and we had to get out due to us not getting rained on.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

What we did today

This is what we did today! We set up our pool because by Tuesday it is subpost to be 100 degress and we wanted to be ready......
And just to note I got serious sun burn

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I Saw a Ghost

I was sitting at my computer on night, when all was quite, I could feel someone approaching me like it was staring at me, and it was coming closer....WhenI turned around to se.........

A Gaberony Ghost.............Scared the witz out of me!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reign Down

It Started out being a gourgous day, slite over cast, with a little breeze to follow Then Yesterday God blessed us with such a BEAUTIFUL Rain.
This bush is in my front yard, and when it gts wet it has the most Wonderful smell, I cant really explain the smell,but I will try.....It's like a lemony, Lavender smell mixed with a Rain Smell.

MercyMe - Bring The Rain

Monday night I was listening to this song once my sister brought it to my attention...I forgot how much I love it.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

He's a King Kong Hunter

He's King Kong Hunter.....So don't you dare call him a Cowboy.....................
He's got a mild obsession with King Kong?!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A boy to a MAN

For the past 5 years, I have been used to the idea, that I DO things for Aidan, you knwo the bathing him, putting lotion on him ,dressing him and when thats all done, nicly combing his hair... Well for the past months or longer,Aidan has been pretty much DOING everything, that I used to do for him, I thought he was just wanting to see how along he can go doing things by himslef and thenlater realizing I need my MOM's help.
Only until lastnight when we were getting ready for church did it hit me when my son was in the bathroom doing his own hair,and not even asking if I could help.

He knew whatto do, hair gel all over
Comb it to the side
Check myslef in the mirror one last time to make sure I look good.

Why o why do they have to Grow up???

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

First off Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mother's.
Last night I found myself, well not really excited about Mother's Day,it's hard because I miss my Gramma. But my family knows just how to Fix that.
I was Blessed with a Delious Looking Cake, A beautiful bouquet of Roses and carnation's, and my sister gave me a foofy basket with some well appriciated goodies.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A quick Pick ME up

I lead a very simple life.....I am a housewife,mother and devoted wife(well at times I am only devoted to 7th Heaven, but that's a whole other blog) I have my day's where I am ingear and pacing everything and the kids, and then someday's everything seems to be off track, and the whole GOOD HOUSEWIFE comes crashing down.

I think I was born in the wrong era, I like the years of 1950-1957. Everything semmd(which I know never really is) perfect, the way Wives devoted themselves to their family's, the way family's just ran in general. Now a day's all you see at the markest are woman buying frozen or deli dinner's to feed their family's, what happened to Home cooked meals, waiting for them when they get home from work, (bere in mind this is the way I was raised so it applies to my home) Well for the last few........weeks/months I feel I have been lazy in the Submissive/devoted department, so I needed a quick pick me up to do it. And if takes these photo's and Stephanie Neilson's blog to do it, then by golly I am going to do it.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My proud little pooper

This is my proud little pooper who has for the past 3 days been doing this on a regular bases.. I realize to some it might offend, but hey it's a memory for us.
We are so proud, that he is such a GREAT POOPER.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Silly Putty

This stuff has been in my hands for most of the day and I just can't seem to put it down. It stinks, and after a while it hurts my finger's but still as I am sitting here doing this, I take now play with it and return to what I was doing.
This may be my new "thing" to do when I wnat to block out the noise for a while.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A future Blogger in the Making..I give you my Sister........BRIANA

Ladies and Gentlemen.. I give to you....The New, The Wonderful BRIANA NICOLE THOMPSON
This women is wonderful, she a has "new" heart of Gold,you can't help but notice the bright light that follows her, when she walk's inot a room. She is an amazing mother, devoted sister, and dedicated to serving our Savior, with no regrets in tow. Briana has found a new life with God, and she pretty much want's to shout it from the roof top's. She is a single mother, who is my hero, she raises her own daughter and took up the slack of someone else's job and is raising her cousin's daughter. Anyone who is blessed enough to meet my sister, you are automaticly drawn to her beautiful smile and outgoing personallity.
This is Christina, her daughter, this little girl has NO idea how lucky she is to have my sister for her MOM. But I will make sure that she KNOWS.

1.Favorite color: Pink

2.Favorite Food: Mexican Food

3.Favorite Bible verse: John 14:27

4.Favorite time of the year: Summer

5.What is the one thing that you can't live with out?Talking to my older sister EVERYDAY

6.If you could change anything in the world what would it be?Nothing, this world belongs to Satan, I am just staying here to serve the Lord, and bring other's to hi until it is time to go home.

7.If you could chnage anything about you what would it be? Just my baby fat

8.What's your pet peeve? Left over food in the Kitchen sink....That is SO gross.

9.Cats or Dog and why?Dog's, they are so Loving and Loual, and their wet noses are the icing ont he cake.

10. What "famous" person would you like to meet?Tyler Perry.... i Love his Movies, so are so inspiring.

11. And last but not least what are you glad you have in your life? I am glad to have JESUS in my life, I don't care who KNOWS it, he saved me from who I used to be and I will alway's PRAISE Him and I am not ashamed of him. I am also glad to have my daughter, sister, nephews and Brother-n-law. William is an awesome man of God and well.... I don't know what I would have done without the both of them,they picked me up when I was down, they have BEAUTIFUL hearts.