Friday, February 6, 2009


Every Friday is like a double Friday for me. My little Aidy pop only goes to school Monday thru thursday, so oh how I love Friday's, even though there are times I literally have to force myself to sleep in.
Waking up in the morning to my two boys together makes for an interesting day here at the Salas Casa. I am sure there will be fighting about some soldier toys who gets what, yelling from the big brother because the little brother is on his bed.etc...etc.
But in all honesty I would never change my life, not a second of it or an ounce. There are days when I am up to my neck in chores, but I Love it. I love being a devoted Christian, a devoted wife, and mother.
I was asked not to long ago, Why do you blog?
Blogging to me is a home journal about things that you never want to forget the memory of.
I also do it to meet wonderful people and in doing so I have. I blog to update far family about everyday life here in our home.
But the most important one is I blog for Jesus.....
I am not ashamed to admit to you that I ws a horrible sinner caught in the ways of this world, troubled marriage, painfull past, but once I gave my life to God, everything was changed.
And changed in God it shall stay.
Duty is starting to call as my day start's, and since I have both boys home I am sure to be able to get some good pictures for a tomarrow post!

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