Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday Night but Mondays post!

It's not official, but it has begun......our pecan tree's are in bloom causing a huge amount of shade and the sun is starting to go down later and rising earlier. Our pool is in the final stages of being put together for it's enjoyment. The kids have asked about a gazillion times if or when can they swim.

"Soon very soon" is all we come up with. Hmmmm May, I remember a saying on our class room bulletin board when I was in grade school. "April Showers bring May flowers"
As soon as we blink our eyes the heat will be here and the monsoon's will follow how I love to stand on my front porch and enjoy all that God gives us.....except those nasty mosquito's.

Here is the spot that I will reside to when the shade is starting to drape the back yard when a nice glass of cold ice tea, I can't hardly wait for the season to begin only for it to hurry and leave.

Some come what May and bring what you bring....we are ready!

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