Sunday, September 21, 2008


10. Salvation is the best thing besides getting Married and having kids that has happened to me.

9.I Love to wake up early in the morning before the kids start to trample down the hall.

8. I am a Neat Freak Fanatic.

7. I am half and half meaning I Look white but have deep Spanish yes I can speak Spanish....I was raised by Hispanic Grandparents.

6. I am addicted to 7Th Heaven.

5. I have a Love /Hate relationship with Onions.

4. My middle name is Lerin.

3. I am the only one in my entire family who has green eyes.

2. I REALLY don't like cooking breakfast.

1. I have actually lived in Peck Idaho with a population of like 60...after I graduated from High School.

1 comment:

  1. WOW Marisa! Thank you for posting these! I really enjoyed knowing more about you!

    I think it's really special how God made you stand out by giving you green eyes!

    Bless you sister,
