Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How's your Heart

We take out the trash. We wash the dishes and clear off the kitchen counters. We vacuum on occasion. we carefully attend to the condition of our homes in order to keep them off the "disaster area" list. But how much attention to we give our hearts?

When the Bible says that the heart is to be guarded because it is the wellspring of life, it means that it is from our hearts that the rest of our attitudes get their cue.

Rather the cleaning up the outer edges of our lives, we're wiser to pay attention to the deeper parts of ourselves. Running the vacuum cleaner through a few ventricles, we may discover a layer of dissatisfaction, of envy, or even anger that we've stuffed out of sight.

There's no use trying to paste on a happy face or a good attitude to show in public if our hearts are cluttered with hidden issues. What's stuffed down in our hearts will sooner or later spill over into our day's with our children, our neighbors, our co-workers, and God.

Hey your house looks great. But how's your heart?

This has effected me a majority of my life since I have been married and had children.....the thing I thought I hid so well but eventually spilled over was a thing of control which leads to a bossy mama. To make a long story short, there is a season for everything, so my season has come to change.

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