Monday, June 8, 2009

Simple Pleasures....and I mean Simple

I have said this many times before that I lead a simple and satisfying life. I am a woman of simple pleasures, if asked to choose between a diamond something or a household item......... all I have to say is make it a Kenmore.... a Bissel.....or anything basically the household item. I get my thrill to go to Wal-mart and look at the new dishes and bowls and thing for the house.

So last night when my Aidan was at church sitting next to me, his simple little prayer was nothing at all for a selfish gain...he didn't pray for money, or a toy and anything.
His prayer was simple and from the heart......all he asked was for God to help him to be a good boy and to help him not to disobey his parents.....along with he asked God to protect his people, and he told God he loved him with all his heart.

It was Simple.....Loving....for for me satisfying, because when you hear that, you know as parents we are doing something right.
With requests like that it also shows that he is listening to the sermon and in Sunday school.