Monday, June 15, 2009

You know its Monday when............

"Ring, Ring" at a bright and early time this morning (6:13)the phone rang, I was in la la land but once I heard the phone ring I jumped about 12 inches and it was my sister. I received a wonderful "Good Morning Sister", then before a word hit my lips to reply back I felt it......the pounding of a morning headache. The first thing I said was "Please Lord take it away".

With our conversation in heave, we talked until my poor old phone started to die. Charged that baby up read my bible and devotionals and prayed sat here at the computer thinking to myself.
"It's Monday.........laundry, room cleaning, chores, chores, chores.

Monday is my first day of every week I have a hard kick start in the morning, but once I am out of that mode there is no stopping me.

Isn't it wonderful to know that when you call out the name of God he is there? I will admit that there are time's I talk to the Father as if he is sitting on my kitchen stool with me enjoying the day. i do however get the "Mom who are you talking too" question, but I earnestly reply..."Jesus".

There is no one else better to talk to the Father. For some reason my day goes by smoother, and more pleasant, so in ending this post for today, I have some chores and tea time with the Father sometime today...would you care to join?

1 comment:

  1. What I happy surprise to see your comment on my blog today, my retro sister of “The Good Old Days”! AND to see you are following my blog! What fun we shall have visiting together again!

    Yes, it is wonderful to have a tea time with the Lord, but in my case…it will be coffee time. :)

