Thursday, December 14, 2006

my sister

So today Im going to brag about my little sister Briana...... She is great, well great isn't the only word that describes her, shes funny, beautiful, smart, charming, caring and a great mom, daughter and most of all sister. My sister and I are very very close we call eachother about 4 or more times a day just to see what the other one is doing, or just to see how bored we are and if she is at work we still make sure to talk to eachother some how thank God for texting...Briana is my best friend, she has never judge me with things in the past in my life but has always stood next to me know matter how crazy things were, she is my rock, always has been!!! Last year was HUGE scare for me almost lost her she and her friends were going up to Mount Graham Mountains and her car went off the side of the mountain about 20 ft. But you can make sure Iwas there telling her that I loved her and making sure she knew that I was right there by her side, every minute she was awake I think then that is when she realized that GOd was on her side, he spared her , her life to live for him. I want all who reads this to take some time to call your little or older sister today and just tell them that you love them, you may never know when God wants to take them home!!!!

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