just a wonderful site
My little sister being as cute as ever in what ever she wears!!! This is my favorite pix we are at the top of the mountain here, and way down on the bottem is Safford
This picture to me looks like we are going up into heaven!!!
Today was a beautiful day to go and play in the snow up in the mountains and it was Gabriels first time really experiencing the snow too I thought he was going to freak , buut he Loved it!!! It was soooooo beautiful up there it even started to snow,we did the snow angel thing and threw some snow in the back of our truck, to come make our nieghbors jealous!!! I know its nothing like in Alpine where my mom lives but hey its some snow!!! And we totally had fun!!!! Happy New Year to all!!!!
oh i wish we could have snow. when it snowed in march this year we took the girls to play and made snowkids instead of snowmen. plus i had no idea you have a sister...hooray for blogger for teaching me new things. happy new year