Thursday, January 22, 2009

2:45 and ON

It all started this morning at 2:45 when my son and Hubby come wake me up to tell me Aidan as an ear ache. With one eye open and the other one closed I put ear drops in and gave him a dose of Ibuprofen..with in minutes Aidan was out.
I lay there for about 15 min. trying to get back to sleep impossible, once I am up I am up!
After flipping in the bed until 3:50 I decided to just get up.
At 4:30 I took a shower , did my makeup, read my bible, put a load in the dryer......this should have been happening at 8:30, but not at the crack of dawn!

Mean while while I went to the grocery store paid some bills Aidan's school had been calling me to let me know his earache has come back and he needs to go home.....Two kids sick at the same time......why o why does this have to happen everytime William is at work?
So my 10:30 I was like a chicken with out a head......running back and forth to different rooms to different kids!!! But with God on my side I am the strength to move a mountain......

I just hope that it isn't a big one because I am pooped!

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