Friday, January 2, 2009


This is an article that I should have posted long ago, but got lazy or I fell behind, and I know longer want to do that. I love the relationships that I have built with some sister's, and I want to continue just that.

Hello, my name is Marisa Lerin Salas, I am 26 but will be 27 in a little less then a week. I have been a Christian most of my life but fell away from God one of the biggest regrets that I Have ever made but the Lord welcomed me back with open and Loving arm's. I believe in the healing power of God, I believe that he died on the cross and three days later rose from the dead, I believe in the Holy Spirit, and I believe that Jesus is my Savior!

I found this study be literally stumbling across it. I was praying to God to direct me in a study to be more in to the word, and I found Sunny and her new Study, instantly I was hooked, to the point of being stuck on my computer all the time.
The reason I wanted to join was to become closer to my Savior and also to my Husband, being Submissive was a department I needed a shine up on. Being a wife is a privilege especially when you are blessed with a man of God. God made us one once we said "I Do" and I wanted to add God's fulfilment to the both of us.

I have been with my Husband now for 8 1/2 years, in the years we have lost many battles because we didn't have God in our lives, and in the years we have fought more battles, with only the grace that God blessed us with, were we able to handle them. Married life to me is wonderful, I would never want my life to be any other way! I love my Hubby, he is my Best friend, my rock, my helper , my other half that completes me.

We have 2 children together Aidan Daniel Salas who is 6
and Gabriel William Salas who is 3, they both are the center of our Joy and we Thank God for them everyday, just today we were talking about how much we love to be parents "their" parents. With them our little family of 4 is fully and happily complete.

I am very glad to be able to be part of this study!!
I look forward to meeting other sisters in Christ and taking the journey with so many other Wives!


  1. Dear Marisa,

    God is good, and His plan is good. Satan wants to mess it up for us and He has done a good job of that this last 100 years or so with the equal rights movement. I think it has been going on more that 100 years…at least since the 1850 or so. However, it has really been noticeable in the 1900s were being a mother and wife was no longer looked upon as a noble position.

    God is working in all of us, and I am happy to be seeking Him in this along with you!

    Love you!
    Hope :)

    P.S. Is this linked through Mr. Linky on any of the lessons?

  2. Hello precious Marissa,

    So good to see you back! I'm so thankful God is patient with all of us. May we all truly seek hard after Him in this New Year, with a renewed passion and commitment to Him and all that He has so graciously granted us! ☺

    Also, on a little "admin" note, you used the wrong URL link to your post. You used your main URL address to your blog ( instead of the direct link to your post which is:

    I went ahead and fixed it for you. ♥

    I didn't want anyone who came along after to you to miss this wonderful post! ☺ Please be sure to link future articles/post on Mr. Linky so those who follow after you can easily find what God is teaching you and so that they also may be edified. ♥♥

    Love you dear sister,

  3. Wow, Marisa, I went to the Welcome and Instruction page, and I see you linked your post…good job! I am glad you did.

    Love you!
    Hope :)

  4. Hi!
    What study are you talking about? I'd love to do something like that!

    Thanks for sharing. :)
