Thursday, October 23, 2008


We have our pumpkins in the front yard....trying to make it look like fall here in Arizona, it feels like the weather may be cooperating for the moment, but who knows it just might change back to felling like Summer...we here in Arizona are famous for that!! Do I sound like I am whining? I really am trying not to sound that way,just wanting fall to finally take it's place here, but Arizona has a mind of it's own. Halloween is right around the corner, we are not a big fan of the day...will probably hand out candy, with a little bible track along with it. I have I told you about Aidans school, they don't celebrate it, or have anything to do with it....but they celebrate the founder of his school(it's a charter school) isn't that awsome? We will however carve the pumpkins, with messages of salvation on them though. Sorry folks I have to go...High school musical 2, it's lame, and dumb, but I have to watch the ending! Don't do that...........Don't judge me!!!!


  1. Wow, that's too lovely Marisa.

    And the pumpkins in the photo are so big and lovely!

    anyways, you have just been tagged!

    Please follow this link: awareness.html

    Have fun!!

  2. This is the complete link.

    Have Fun!!
